How much should I allocate to each signal?
How much should I allocate to each signal? The best allocation and diversification strategy for you depends on your personal situation and risk tolerance. if you are unsure on how to diversify or allocate your savings, always contact a registered financial advisor. Weekly Stocktip does not provide personalized financial advice and will not be able to assist you with your specific situation, however here are a few general recommendations for diversification using our strategy. Weekly inFew readersWhen do I sell stocks?
When do I sell stocks? When it's time to sell a stock we will let you know! Once a stock is ready to be sold, we’ll send out a SELL signal. This will appear above your weekly BUY signal, as well as they history page. You’ll also receive an email and SMS alert, so you won't miss it! Here's an example of what a sell signal looks like: (https://storage.crFew readersHow to evaluate Weekly Stocktip in 7 days?
How to evaluate Weekly Stocktip in 7 days? Weekly Stocktip provides a 7-day 100% money back guarantee. But of course Weekly Stocktip is not a day-trading system and when you get your first stock-pick it most likely won't be sold within the first 7 days. So how can you best evaluate Weekly Stocktip within the money back guarantee period? The easiest way to judge Weekly Stocktip is by looking at our past performance. While we have to put a disclaimer that "past performance are not neFew readersHow fast do I have to make the trades?
How fast do I have to make the trades? Unlike day-trading, whether you log-in to your broker an hour or a few days after we update our trades rarely makes a noticeable difference. On occasion one of our trades might increase significantly shortly after we trade it, however the opposite is also true and over a long period of time the slippage gains and losses for beingFew readers